SEW and IV sign EPC contract with NAM

Assen, March 2023

We are proud to announce that Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM), Iv-Offshore & Energy (IV) and SEW Energy (SEW) have signed a tri-party EPC Frame Agreement for the NAM OneGas East Asset. The Frame Agreement entails activities for projects, turnarounds and modifications for the whole OneGas East portfolio. The team is committed to deliver fit for purpose solutions in order to support the energy security and affordability in the Netherlands while we transition to sustainable energy solutions.

Photo from left to right (front): Fedor van Veen (MD IV), Floris Schasfoort (Asset Manager ONEgas East NAM), Pascal Kool (MD SEW)
(back): Gijs Bloemen (NAM), Jos v/d Merwe (SEW), Martin Chrispijn (SEW), Reinder Heres (NAM), Theo Driever (IV)

SEW and IV sign EPC contract with NAM


Are you interested and do you have questions? Contact us at 0226-310000 or complete the form on the contact page!

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